Saturday, 31 January 2009

Greatest Guide to London Award @ Barnes Method

Previously the Greatest Guide to London Award was given to Viver em Londres the brilliant website produced by Darlene Junior. That website no longer exists and so could not win this year. The Best of this website is available for download here

Italians in London is a good informative website and the newsletter is absolutely superb. Professional production quality with both italian and english text. As a british native speaker i still learn from reading this monthly gold and if you are new to london or coming here soon you can learn much more.


Learn More English with Poems

I use poems to learn other languages because, the sentences are short and so its more easy to make meaning. The language is also good quality and so teaches you to use the language in a musical way. This is the google/yahoo/msn Number 1 book Perry's Poems. Its also free to download to your computer.

Perry's Poems Poemas de Perry @ Amo Poemas Política Poemas

Friday, 30 January 2009

Free 1 Hour English Class when you buy Barnes Method 3rd Edition for £7

Free 1 Hour English Class when you buy Barnes Method 3rd Edition for £7

The World Famous Barnes Method English. Translated to 5 languages. Use the techniques in this book to Have Basic English in 1 month, Intermediate English in 3 months, Advanced English in 6 months and Queen's English in 1 year. The 3rd Edition is the most complete guide to learning English and can be yours now

free 1 hour skype class (genius7001) with every book you buy
if you buy 10 you get 10 hours free classes
50 = 50 hours free
(tell me what the contents of the book are to claim your free classes)

Uma hora de Aula de Inglês de graça quando você compra o livro Barnes Method 3rd Edition por £7.

O mundialmente famoso Método Barnes de Aprendizado de Inglês. Traduzido em 5 línguas (Português do Brasil incluso). Use as técnicas do livro para ter Inglês básico em 1 mês, Inglês intermediário em 3 meses, Avançado em 6 meses e o Inglês da Rainha em 1 ano. A 3ra edição é o mais completo guia de aprendizado de Inglês e pode ser seu agora!

Aula gratuita de 1 hora pelo skype (genius7001) com cada livro que você compra.

Se comprar 10 livros, são 10 horas de aula gratuita.

50=50 horas de graça

(apenas me fale sobre o conteúdo do livro que você comprou para obter as aulas de graça)

Portuguese/English Translation from
Portugues/Ingles Traducao de

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Believe Nothing english TV comedy

Advanced English, very funny if you understand the jokes

Learn English With Poems

Learn English with Poems. This poem has the new words explained so you can understand english more.

Monday, 26 January 2009

Business English

This is the best book I have found for Business English.
Good section for writing letters
Business English = Office English

Minifachnbuch - BUSINESS ENGLISH, 10 BEST Communication SECRETS (Active Dialogs, Effective Letters, Good Re...

Micheal Neill Life Coach

Sunday, 25 January 2009

The Verve

English band who have 1 amazing album from 1997.
Brit pop was 1994 to 1998 and so many good british music bands started in this time/era.
Oasis, Blur, Supergrass, Cast, Pulp, the Verve,
Manic Street Preachers, Dodgy, Paul Weller (new style)

Glastonbury is the most popular english music festival and the Verve returned here:

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Better Your Voice

I find vocal training techniques help people speak english better.

This is a singing technique to give you access to all the notes.

Friday, 23 January 2009

Classic Barnes Method Blog

I moved to blogger because i can add my books to the here. The original classic blog was added to scribd and is available to view or download here:

Barnes Method English Blog

Monday, 19 January 2009

English Pronounciation for Chinese/Japanese/Koreans

Because i Like people to save money. Here, the 3 main pronounciations that most people from your part of the world need to correct.

This makes people understand you 25% more

they don't teach this in schools, and i can show you or you can do this in 1 or 2 hours.
also here is vocal coach technique which really helps.
PS: i use this with chinese and koreans too.

From the book Barnes Method English @ Fun Papers (4,000 views, 700 downloads)


There were common mistakes that Japanese people used to make when they spoke English. Now, with the help of this paper you can learn to speak fluently, like a native speaker.

Things I heard people mis-pronounce included:

V as in Vegetable

L as in Quickly

R as in Really (yes its true)

SO, V is pronounced by touching your bottom lip with your Visible teeth. On the other hand (then) B is pronounced by pressing Both lips together. So with this knowledge say:

Vegetables are both a viable and brilliant vehicle for bringing vegetarians belonging to very big families beautiful vacancies at Sunday dinner.

L is pronounced by Learning to bring the tongue quick-ly between the teeth. This over-pronunciation can help you at first and you will smooth-ly say the sound through practise:

My teacher always told me “Learn quickly and easily” and I'm not going to tell you to practise until you speak English smoothly, fluently, effectively, efficiently. You can be that amazing with English, or not. Lovely language is on permanent loan.

The R sound Requires minimal tongue movement. It may help you to hold your tongue at the bottom of your mouth to get the Required sounds. Now, this felt funny at first but it does produce the Really English sounds:

Rapid progress has been received already through thorough rational records recovered and recycled which were reported by referees recovering.

Bringing them altogether Now:

Vegetables are both lovely to receive and reasonably priced. They also keep vegetarians really/very happy and feeling brilliant. Rationality and effectively learning don't always smoothly reveal English culture. Left and right, right and wrong, lemon and lime, trainers and boots, books and looks. Value can be found in vanilla, bright lights, brightly and lightly recognising viable rules , really.

Fun: Repeat everything on this sheet everyday for 3 days or 7 days and feel good, or not.

Copyright Perry Barnes © 2008 All Rights Reserved in All Media

From the book Barnes Method English @ Fun Papers (4,000 views, 700 downloads)

Barnes Method English @3rd Edition

The World Famous Barnes Method English. Translated to 5 languages. Use the techniques in this book to Have Basic English in 1 month, Intermediate English in 3 months, Advanced English in 6 months and Queen's English in 1 year. The 3rd Edition is the most complete guide to learning English and can be yours now

Read the original 1st edition at
Its also available in Portuguese/Russian/Italian/Japanese

I recommend you Read your language version and then read the English version.
or translate it to your language, then read your language and then read the English version.

For English Classes or Language Swap


skype: genius7001

Barnes Method English Books and Audio